The Jevko Syntax: Extensions Specification

by Darius J Chuck

First Draft: January 2024.

These extensions complement the specification.


A Jevko extension which enables arbitrary text without escaping, delimited similarly to fenced code blocks in Markdown.


This extension is strongly recommended for implementation in all Jevko processors.


Some examples of valid Jevkos using this extension:

with [arbitrary] `characters`

with [arbitrary] `characters`

Note that there is no whitespace or any other characters before and after the enclosing quotes in any of these examples.

These are also valid, but not recommended:


with [arbitrary] `characters`

Formal definition

We will now formally define the FencedText extension in ABNF.

We change the definition of the Jevko Text rule as follows:

Text = FencedText / OpenText

where OpenText is defined the same as the original Text rule:

OpenText = *Symbol

and the new FencedText rule is defined as:

FencedText = FencedText_1
           / FencedText_3
           / FencedText_5
           / FencedText_7
           / FencedText_9
           / FencedText_11
           / FencedText_13
           / FencedText_15

FencedText_1  = "`'" FencedContent_1 "'`"
FencedText_3  = "```'" FencedContent_3 "'```"
FencedText_5  = "`````'" FencedContent_5 "'`````"
FencedText_7  = "```````'" FencedContent_7 "'```````"
FencedText_9  = "`````````'" FencedContent_9 "'`````````"
FencedText_11 = "```````````'" 
FencedText_13 = "`````````````'" 
FencedText_15 = "```````````````'" 

FencedContent_1  = *AnyCodepoint 
  ; can't contain "'`" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_3  = *AnyCodepoint 
  ; can't contain "'```" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_5  = *AnyCodepoint 
  ; can't contain "'`````" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_7  = *AnyCodepoint 
  ; can't contain "'```````" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_9  = *AnyCodepoint 
  ; can't contain "'`````````" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_11 = *AnyCodepoint 
  ; can't contain "'```````````" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_13 = *AnyCodepoint 
  ; can't contain "'`````````````" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_15 = *AnyCodepoint 
  ; can't contain "'```````````````" ("[" / "]" / EOF)

; any Unicode codepoint
AnyCodepoint = %x0-10ffff

Detailed formal definition

FencedText is abstractly defined as follows.

We’ll use ABNF with some necessary additions which will be explained as we go.

FencedText(n) = {n}Escaper Fencer 
                Fencer {n}Escaper


The upper limit of 15 for n is chosen conservatively for now. It may be extended in the future.

Note: FencedText(n) is technically not a valid ABNF rule. Rather, from a formal point of view it is a hyperrule with one parameter (n).

Similarly, FencedContent(n) is a hyperrule which matches an almost arbitrary sequence of codepoints:

FencedContent(n) = *AnyCodepoint


Put in practical terms: we have to parse the input lazily, matching the rule as soon as we find the closing fence.

Now we define:

Fencer = "'"


Fencer = %x27 ; apostrophe

So we can restate the rule more concretely:

FencedText(n) = {n}"`" "'" FencedContent(n) "'" {n}"`"

Finally, we can expand the hyperrules into multiple concrete pure-ABNF rules:

FencedText = FencedText_1 
           / FencedText_3 
           / FencedText_5 
           / ... 
           / FencedText_15

FencedText_1 = "`'" FencedContent_1 "'`"
FencedText_3 = "```'" FencedContent_3 "'```"
FencedText_5 = "`````'" FencedContent_5 "'`````"
FencedText_15 = "```````````````'" 

FencedContent_1 = *AnyCodepoint  
  ; can't contain "'`" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_3 = *AnyCodepoint  
  ; can't contain "'```" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_5 = *AnyCodepoint  
  ; can't contain "'`````" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
FencedContent_15 = *AnyCodepoint 
  ; can't contain "'```````````````" ("[" / "]" / EOF)


A Jevko extension which enables arbitrary text without escaping, delimited similarly to heredocs or dollar quoted literals in PostgreSQL.

Even though this extension is technically independent, this description assumes FencedText has been implemented as well.


This extension is experimental and its specification may change in the future.


Some examples of valid Jevkos using this extension:

with [arbitrary] `characters`

with [arbitrary] `characters`

These are also valid, but not recommended:


with [arbitrary] `characters`

Formal definition

The TaggedText extension is formally defined similarly to FencedText (therefore see the definition of FencedText for more details).

We further extend the Text rule, assuming we’ve already added FencedText:

Text = TaggedText / FencedText / OpenText

Exhaustive definition of TaggedText in terms of pure ABNF rules is not viable, as the rule admits an enormous number of unique user-defined tags to use as delimiters.

Because of that, we only show ABNF definitions only for a few example tags, namely the empty tag, END, and done.

TaggedText = TaggedText_ 
           / TaggedText_END 
           / TaggedText_done 
           / ...

TaggedText_     = "`//" TaggedContent_ "//"
TaggedText_END  = "`/END/" TaggedContent_END "/END/"
TaggedText_done = "`/done/" TaggedContent_done "/done/"

TaggedContent_     = *AnyCodepoint
  ; can't contain "//" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
TaggedContent_END  = *AnyCodepoint
  ; can't contain "/END/" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
TaggedContent_done = *AnyCodepoint
  ; can't contain "/done/" ("[" / "]" / EOF)

Detailed formal defintion

Abstractly we define two hyperrules:

TaggedText(Tag) = Escaper Tagger Tag Tagger 
                  Tagger Tag Tagger

TaggedContent(n) = *AnyCodepoint

where TaggedContent(Tag) can’t contain Tagger Tag Tagger (Opener / Closer / EOF).

Now we define:

Tagger = "/"


Tagger = %x2f ; slash


Tag = *255(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_")


Tag = 0*255(%x41–5A / %x61–7A / %x30–39 / %x5f)

or, using a regular expression:

Tag = /[a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,255}/

In other words Tag is an identifier of length 0-255 characters which can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.

Note: the tag length is currently limited to 255. If need be, this maximum length as well as the allowed characters may be extended in the future.

Now we can restate the hyperrule more concretely:

TaggedText(Tag) = "`/" Tag "/" 
                  "/" Tag "/"

where TaggedContent(Tag) can’t contain "/" Tag "/" ("[" / "]" / EOF).

Finally, we can expand this into a very large number of pure ABNF rules:

TaggedText = TaggedText_ 
           / TaggedText_END 
           / TaggedText_done 
           / ...

TaggedText_     = "`//" TaggedContent_ "//"
TaggedText_END  = "`/END/" TaggedContent_END "/END/"
TaggedText_done = "`/done/" TaggedContent_done "/done/"

TaggedContent_     = *AnyCodepoint
  ; can't contain "//" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
TaggedContent_END  = *AnyCodepoint
  ; can't contain "/END/" ("[" / "]" / EOF)
TaggedContent_done = *AnyCodepoint
  ; can't contain "/done/" ("[" / "]" / EOF)